Infused Water: The Secret to Loosing Weight

With summer approaching, many people find it difficult to deal with the dehydration levels associated with the hot temperatures. Moreover, hydration is the best way to reduce weight. In case an individual wants to reduce his or her weight or remove toxins from his or her body, the best way to do this is through the consumption of water. Infused water involves the addition of other components such as enzymes, minerals, and vitamins. These ingredients are useful in natural weight loss as they make one feel energized despite losing some pounds.

The body organs that are in charge of the breaking down and elimination of excess fats work efficiently when the body is well hydrated. Infused water facilitates weight loss through the provision of important nutrients that are key in breaking down excess fat. The nutrients deposits in the fruits, herbs, and vegetables are also helpful in breaking down of excess body fat.

Other benefits of Infused Water

At times, these ingredients are added to provide nutrients and improve the taste. Infused water also helps flush away toxins hence making the body organs such as kidneys and liver work efficiently. The elimination of excess toxins and the maintenance of metabolic functions can only be perfected when the body is hydrated.

The presence of rich deposits of essential nutrients is helpful in the proper absorption of essential minerals in the body. Some of these minerals include calcium and iron. Additionally, taking infused water promotes satiety hence reducing the chances of consuming junk food.

Sample Infused Water Recipe

Berry and rosemary water

Ready in 1 hour.
Servings: 6.

1 cup mixed fresh berries
1 fresh rosemary sprig


Place all the ingredients in a pitcher and add water until it’s full.
Refrigerate it for at least one hour.

The drink can be kept for 2-3 days in the refrigerator.


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